Boiron Arsenicum Album 30C relieves diarrhea with vomiting and weakness, 80 Pellets
Boiron Arsenicum Album 6C relieves diarrhea with vomiting and weakness, 80 Pellets
Boiron Arum Triphyllum 30C relieves hoarseness with broken voice, 80 Pellets
Boiron Arum Triphyllum 6C relieves hoarseness with broken voice, 80 Pellets
Boiron Aurum Iodatum 30C 80 Pellets
Boiron Aurum Metallicum 30C 80 Pellets
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Boiron Belladonna 30C relieves high fever (up to 102¡F) of sudden onset with perspiration, 80 Pellets
Boiron Belladonna 6C relieves high fever (up to 102¡F) of sudden onset with perspiration, 80 Pellets
Boiron Berberis Vulgaris 30C 80 Pellets

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